Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Late Fall planning for 2019 Spring

Ordered another parrot tulip, from Brent and Becky's, since the other source was out.  Bright Parrot.
All potted in the planter which formerly held Synandrospadix vermitoxicus, of which there is no trace now.

Also from B&B and planted N or driveway under dogwood: Narcissus Wave - pristine white flowers surround a bright yellow cup that is filled with yellow and white petaloides reminiscent of the sea foam made by the churning waves; a great new one for the garden; 12"-16"; mid-late spring.

Blushing Lady: Blushing Lady - one of our very own seedlings; lush soft yellow flower developing a rich pastel pink cup; 2-3 flowers per stem; lovely soft sweet frangrance; 12"-14"; 14+cm; mid-late spring.

Brooke Ager Brooke Ager - intermediate sized flower with porcelain white perianth segments surrounding a dark apricot cup; American bred; early-mid spring; 12/14 cm; 12"-16".

Kedron  Kedron - (7 Y-O) American bred by Willis Wheeler; several vivid orange cups 'bleed' their color into the rich bronzy yellow, perfectly formed petals of this lusciously fragrant flower; 12"-15"; mid spring; (12/14cm).

Friday, August 31, 2018

Planning for Spring 2019.
In CV, ordered six
woodland peonies for the beds down the hill.  Good for shade, self-seeding, they seem like a good bet.  One planted there in 2016 bloomed 2017 but no blooms 2018. 
Ordered from MZ bulbs three x 6 Parrot Tulips with the idea of putting them in a planter on the deck.  Probably need one more.
Flaming Parrot Tulip
Silver Parrot Parrot Tulip
Webers Parrot Tulip

For DV decided to plant some peonies there, hoping to grow them to unassailable size before transplanting to CV.  Ordered three from Klehm Song Sparrow Aug 2018
 Peony 'David Harum' 1 $28.50
Light crimson red blooms are very large with a smooth texture. Floriferous with strong stems. Broad light green foliage. Peony 'David Harum' is a good cut flower variety.
 Peony 'Jubilee Pink' 1 $28.50
Double to triple row of vivid, deep pink guard petals surrounding a nice, high crowned yellow center. Red tipped stigmas add to its beauty. Slightly fragrant.
 Peony 'Coral Charm' 1 $24.95
Deep coral buds that open to pleasing coral-peach semi-double blossoms. True color breakthrough for the Peony garden. Peony 'Coral Charm' makes an excellent cut flower. A classic! American Peony Society Gold Medal Selection.

Monday, May 28, 2018

Deltaville Garden In

On Sunday nearly a dozen people for Memorial Day Sunday--Chris, Ryan, Leila, Chris's folks Tim and Laura and Jessica and Jared.  Jared and Chris played a few tunes including whisky before breakfast.

Put in the vegetable garden today in the usual place by the crawl space.  Put in three celebrity determinate tomato plants by the stairs, then three beefmaster indeterminate plants on back to the Lennox units.  In the front, by the units I put in three poblano chiles, then filling in the space to the walkway four serrano chiles.  Watered them well.  Trimmed the volunteer mimosa by the stairs.  I put a do not weedeat conference ribbon around one of the climbing trellises to warn rabbits away.

Planted the lily from mzbulbs, variety Alans Rouge deep burnt orange toward the house from the existing lily patch,  Noticed a canna lily from a summer past was sprouting there.

The peony by the electric meter was gone, probably from our overeager weedeater master.  All peony blooms by the stairs were also gone.  No sign of the tree peony nearby.  The peony by the back stairs was doing well.  I put a do not weedeat conference ribbon around it.

In other news, Caitlin examined our water pressure unit, finding 80 psi, in the crawlspace, a nominal value.

Only a little over a half dozen crabs in two traps, threw then back as we had bought  a dozen.

Friday, May 25, 2018

Spring 2018 plantings

Planted Iris among the peonies in the bed between the birdbath and the sundial below the house.  From S to N, all reblooming varieties, Immortality (white), Rosalie Figge (DeepViolet), Pink Attraction (more salmony than pink), Breakers (blue-violet) and Harvest of Memories (yellow).  Two weeks after receipt owing to trip to NM, they were somewhat dried out.  MZbulbs Inc were out of stock on the blue variety Clarence.

The peony on the south end had three blooms, two still good but weighted down.  The peony on the north end of the bed had two blooms considerably past their prime.