Sunday, May 30, 2021

In Deltaville the A. Konjac bloomed for my birthday but I only saw a late budding stage.  Three of the four peonies bloomed, not the one to right of front steps.  Planted tomatoes and Poblano peppers but by Mem Day they had been rabbitized, according to Sue.  Strawberry cactus had two blooms!   

May 15 or so.  The Canna lilies in the ceramic pot at the end of the driveway were emerging.  I planted four caladiums (Summer Breeze I think) in an apparently empty spot in the pot.  Other caladiums went into pots with Cannas; planted Oxalis in with last year's begonias, which sprouted in garage but wilted in summer sun.  Also with the Cannas I planted a red-purple Salvia and a Sunset colored one and Peruvian verbena to dangle 

The bigger Syandrospadix put up a long slender leaf and a flower.  The smaller one has split in two and was repotted; it shows a green sprout.

Retreived the A. bulbifer in a green pot; it is beginning to come up.

Spring Plantings 2021

I just planted Edgeworthia chrysantha near the entrance steps to Deltaville. PD only had some barely rooted cuttings; I hope this one takes. Not working May 2022.  

I also planted jasmine in the Canna planter on the deck.  This superb form of the Chinese scrambler, Jasminum officinale, comes from Fromefield Nursery in the UK. Unlike the species that has green leaves, this seedling boasts brilliant gold foliage that holds beautifully even in our hot, humid summers. The stems are home to deliciously fragrant, pure white flowers throughout the summer. As a gesture of forced integration, we encourage Jasminum 'Frojas' to scramble through other colored foliage plants such as purple loropetalum and smoke tree. Each branch of Fiona Sunrise jasmine can reach up to 10' in length when happy or can be kept shorter with a pair of sharp clippers. Lest we forget, tea from this gem is drunk for its aphrodisiac qualities, and who could forget that carrying the flowers attracts money and wealth? Attract a little bit our way, if you please. Note 6/12/22: Grew a lot in planter on deck, no blooms; tried to overwinter without success.

Fall Plantings 2021