Tuesday, December 20, 2022

In late 1945, Lucile was living on a beautiful tree-lined street at 124 E 37th St, New York, according to her passport, a historic 5-story townhouse built ca 1910 in Murray Hill between Park and Lexington Avenue\footnote{November 10, 1944, New York Times business financial section, Page 32:
Mrs. L. Bonnar, president of the Bonnar-Vawter Fanform Company, has purchased for occupancy the five-story dwelling at 124 East Thirty-seventh Street, near Park Avenue, from Mrs. Dora H. Weiss through the Madison Realty Company. }.   Visas in her passport date around 28 Dec 1945, for Guatemala, Panama, Argentina, Brazil, Peru and Chile.

 Cuernavaca, Mexico.  Leaving this afternoon for Mexico City which is rather a pity because today is warm enough for a swim, so I won't swim.
Wonder of Wonders the mountains Popo and Ixta have been on view every day.  I did a very good sketch of them yesterday afternoon tho it was rather hard to sit down on account of my horse had bumps which gave me a couple of saddle sores in the course of a 3 hour ride,  It was nice tho and in spite of the cursed Mexican saddle I thoroughly enjoyed it.  We rode to a little village, 3 miles from here, called San Antonio.  This is located on a gorge (They call it a "barranca", the dopes) and El Salto does a daredevil dive over the lip of a giant cup formed by action of said river (yes, it's lots bigger than Bill's mustache cup) does two steps and 75 feet to a green pool.  From the bottom looking up you see a cookie shaped piece of sky and the towering rocky banks that seem to threaten to fall any minute.  It was a hard subject to sketch for my mediocre ability but I think I can work it up so people can tell the difference between the water and the banks.  Also got plenty flea bites and my upper lip is SWELLING.  Can you picture Am. Express consternation when the tenth passenger appears looking like one of those savages Mr. Ringling brought from the wilds of Africa (to his sorrow, I hear)?

Start at 10:00 A. M. in the morning on the dreary round of consulates.  Hope everything goes off according to plan.  Don't know hoe the cold sore will affect my health standing.

No films found so far and I'm sorry to report the weight of camera etc. was too much for the felt in the lovely bag--it's giving out so I'll go to the market and get one of those straw affairs.  It will hold cosmetics too and I can leave two pieces of luggage behind.

Have been sleeping a lot and believe I'm getting caught up.  My head itches tho.  Maybe dust.  I'll know the worst Wednesday when I get a shampoo.  It's my suspicious nature I guess.
 She arrived in Guatemala City, Guatemala on 11 Jan 1946 by air and left 15 Jan, according to passport stamps.  Several postcard views suggest she visited Antigua, to the east of Guatemala City while in Guatemala.  A stamp from Panama shows arrival by air there on 15 Jan; by 17 January she had arrived in Peru, at Limatambo in the Cuzco region.