Above grey is old quest pipe; black, new pipe
4 January 2023
Seth Cassaday visited to check on water use problem.
Cut off water in house then checked the meter which still showed ca 40g per hour of consumption. No obvious leaks.
Conclusion: Main line from street must have a leak somewhere.
Plan: dig around the entry point to the house outside dining room where problem was last time but was fixed.
If nothing is found, check between meter and access point Seth put in by big rock on W side of driveway.
Next use wire to trace line under driveway and check for leaks at an intermediate point between dining room and big rock. This will disturb driveway surface which will then need to be patched but if leak is found more digging will be needed in vicinity of leak, with subsequent patching.
6 Jan
Seth visited, old repair dug up, nothing found. More explorations needed.
Proposed running new water line through old one, destroying it as it progressed. About 230 feet. Estimate of $6800 provided; we approved.
9 Jan
Seth dropped off backhoe, equipment truck. Wet spot in cat room traced to drywall wetness in ceiling where light attaches.
10 Jan
Work began, water off, on again at ca 4pm. No cat room leak while water off. It returned when water is on again,
11 Jan
returned ca 10am to clean up, patch driveway, traced leak to water line feeding ice maker on fridge above, water regulator is leaking. Maytag repair (2011 Whirlpool fridge) coming 1/19.