Sunday, January 1, 2017

Finishing up the bulb planting

Planted 25 more daffodils on the hill above the heron and along the driveway incoming on the right. 
N.'Fortissimo' (5,25,50,250) 5 1.3000 6.50

Narcissus 5 5 0 01-0426 N.'Double Smiles'(5,25,50,250) 0.8000 4.00

Narcissus 5 5 0 01-1131 N.'Sailorman' (5,25,50,250) 1.3000 6.50

Narcissus 10 10 0 01-1420 N.'Rip van Winkle' 0.5000 5.00

Also planted 27 tulips to the left of the front porch in front of the boxwood.
10 10 0 02-0628 T.'Fire Wings' (5,25,50,250) 1.4000 14.00

Tulip 5 5 0 02-0925 T.'Caribbean Parrot' (5,25,50,250) 1.7500 8.75

F66246 Estella Rijnveld Tulip 6 @ $0.99 $5.95 Planted to left of front door

F66288 Webers Parrot Tulip 6 @ $1.33 $7.95 Planted to left of front door

Planted Nir paperwhites in marbles in glass bowl by coffee machine.

On New Years Day, planted Darby's tulips Tulip Hocus Pocus and Tulip Brownie in the planter with the catmint to the right of the walk to the front door.
Hocus Pocus

Also planted three Allium giganteum between the beautyberrt bushes beneath the bathroom window.  Need to plant Purple Sensation.

Purple Sensation