Saturday, November 21, 2020

Fall Plantings 2020

 No daffodils this year.  There are four tulips and a bonus Lily from Brent and Becky's.  Tulips are:

Foxtrot Potted up for porch bloom.  Tulip Foxtrot is a double, early spring blooming tulip bulb that has several different shades of rose color that will blend with many other bulbs and perennials in your garden. Like all tulipa, tulip bulbs are from the Liliaceae family. Tulip Foxtrot is excellent for forcing and has flowers that are long lasting. This fall planted tulip bulb requires full sun and average soil. Tulip Foxtrot blooms 10"-12" tall and is good for winter hardiness zones 3-8.  Potted on the screened porch this performed very well April 2021.



Virichic - bright and bold, this tulip with lily-shaped petals, the exciting coloration of a typical viridiflora tulip, and great substance make it a real winner and 'very chic'! 12"-16".

Caribbean Parrot This looks like a luscious flower that is grown in the tropics! It's variable as its color changes intensity as it matures, has amazing substance and strong stemmed! This is a real winner! 14”-18”.

Avignon Parrot Avignon Parrot - rich blend of warm, happy orange tones draws much attention; strong stems; amazing in arrangements; 16"-20"; late spring.

Lilium Forever Susan Forever Susan - (Asiatic) an eye-catching flower in perfect Virginia Tech colors of burgundy and orange and a great performer to boot.  Gift to Jake.